The Castle of Zork is a tremendous castle in the land of Frobozz. It is a day away form the ancient city of Quendor.
Long, stone corridors with massive oak doors lead to rooms, banquet halls, guard rooms, an elegant throne room, large bedrooms with very high ceiling, walls and floors of polished stone, and large beds covered by woven canopies. There is also the king's library, a cozy private study filled with books and ancient curios. Adjacent to the throne room is a giant banquet hall; that hall has a tapestry and its far wall is a mirror, which is somehow mystically connected to the Hall of Mirrors of the Cavern of Doom.
Outside is a tremendous courtyard and a frontgate leading to a drawbridge that falls over a moat. Across from the gate, a doorway leads into a darkened room with scattered skulls and bones, with scurrying rats, the room of a dumb troll guard who waited his replacement for 3 months; inside is a storage room.
Outside the castle there is a meadow and a wide dirt road leads out to a wide, grassy plain. About half a mile the road forks; one branch heads toward the distant Flathead Mountains, a day's journey away. The other branch leads down into a valley several miles away, with some forests, sprakling streams and abundant wildlife, as well as small villages and farmlands.
A day away from the Castle is a magical grove of trees, in the middle of which is a large tree stump, at least 10ft across, like a round table. It was a location of big feasts, where Syovar brought everyone from the Castle and sat around the natural "table" eating dragon meat and hot-pepper sandwiches and garlic, while minstrels sang ballads about the Great Underground Empire, Syovar performed magic spells, and trolls battled for sport.
Malifestro Quest[]
The castle was abandoned after Malifestro abducted Syovar, and became somewhat neglected as the location was the most vulnerable in case Malifestro attacked the Kingdom of Zork. Only a few remained: a grouchy cook, a pair of identical twin gnomes working in the stables, a few dumb but loyal troll guards, an ancient, totally deaf sorcerer who sits in his room all day, mumbling useless spells, and the two elves Fred and Max; as they said, they are afraid both to remain and leave.
The nearby villages also have been neglected with overgrown farms and buildings attacked and burnt by thieves. Only an old misshapen woman and a hunchbacked man with an eyepatch smoking a pipe remained.
After the fall of Malifestro, Syovar and the heroes returned; the news spread and the next morning throngs gathered outside the castle. Syovar appeared on a balcony overlooking the meadow where the cheering crowd gathered, hailing and blessing the king. Syovar presented to them the heroes Bivotar and Juranda, who in turn praised the two elves who helped them. With that, Syovar allowed them to return home.
Cavern of Doom[]
Some time ago here was an important feast. A jousting tournament was held on the meadow, with large grandstands and brightly-colored banners around the jousting area, filled by thousands of people from the surrounding towns. Elves sell sweetmeats and rare fruits from far-off lands. On the finals, winners are awarded ribbons, and a gigantic barbecue fire begins, with roasting steer, wine and hearty ale.
On that day, a banquet was held in the banquet hall, with great platters of pheasant, wild boar accompanied by a variety of fresh breads, salads, and vegetables, followed by heaps of exotic chocolates and season fruits; the jester Perilon performed his skits. It was followed by a theatrical play by troupe of traveling actors, about an aged exiled wizard, who, losing his powers, passes his time by harassing passing adventurers.
On the same time the courtyard hosted the annual crafts fair. Rows of booths lined the walls and peope filled the aisles: straw baskets and chairs, tiny hand-painted pottery bowls for magic ingredients, and dwarves from the south sold finely woven silk fabrics. Meanwhile peddlerls sold steaming figs, entertainers had monkeys with bright jackets perform juggling and acrobatics, and a band of luters played festive tunes.
It was on that day when Bivotar and Juranda magically appeared in the throne room, and Syovar was happily surprised as he was thinking of them. He told them his worries about the lost explorers in the Cavern of Doom, and the kids were essential in their discovery.
Later Syovar made another great feast to celebrate the return of his lost son, Logrumethar. Bivotar and Juranda were with them at the head table. Many noblemen and enchanters from the nearby townships attended. During the feast