Empirical Age of the history of magic was a division by Gustar Woomax.
According to Womax, at that age primitive cultures had naturally assumed that the disorderly nature of our world was due to such supernatural causes as magic. With the founding of the "natural" sciences, however, nature was increasingly viewed as being orderly. As the sciences progressed, the knowledge and lore of magic largely disappeared. As early as the 5th century GUE, however, such students of the mystic arts as Bizboz and Dinbar thoroughly examined ancient writings on the subject.
Bizboz himself wrote what became the seminal work in Thaumaturgy, On the Presence of Incredibly Weird Stuff Going On in 473 GUE, in which he claimed to have discovered "for-the-most-part Natural Rules" by which this "Weird Stuff" is ordered. This work was ridiculed by the leading scholars of the time, leading to Bizboz's removal from the faculty at the Galepath University, and, eventually, to his tragic suicide in 475 GUE.
His work, however, encouraged others in the pursuit of magical knowledge, with mixed results.
Charlatans, claiming to have created magical potions and powders, regularly fooled the gullible population into buying potions which claimed to do such things as "reverse hair loss" and "draw Trebled Fromps in Double Fanucci". Such appeals to public ignorance led King Duncanthrax in 672 GUE to write the Unnatural Acts, which provided stiff penalties for those convicted of selling "Unnatural or Supernatural substances."