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Fred and Max

Fred and Max are a pair of elves serving in the Castle of Zork. They are very nervous and cowardly. Although they often disagree and accuse each other about various topics, they generally seem to complement each other and have the same opinion, even changing their minds simultaneously. In their speech, they refer to themselves in the third person.

At some points Fred attempted to use some little magic cakes that would supposedly transport them which however never worked.

The Malifestro Quest[]

After Lord Syovar was captured by Malifestro, the Castle was all but deserted, anticipating an assault by the wizard. Fred and Max were among the few who remained, as they were afraid to stay, but also afraid to leave into the wild.

One day they saw two strangers roaming the castle and ran away from them, thinking they were enemies; but the strangers followed them until the elves ended up in a dead-end hallway, and they begged not to hurt them. The strangers ensured them they didn't intend to hurt them and didn't know who is Malifestro (although they were temporarily terrified when Bivotar said he didn't eat breakfast) and they explained what happened to the Castle and Syovar.

The kids said they should rather try to rescue Syovar, and the two elves tried to persuade them to stay there, counting the horrible things Malifestro could do to them, even being chained to Snow Monster of Snurth. The kids insisted and asked to come with them as they know the country; the elves hesitated, but the kids pointed out that they would die if Malifestro attacked the castle, and it would be more fun outside.


The elves agreed to come and led the kids to a storeroom; after passing the troll guard, saying they are his replacements, they let the kids choose between either some weapons or magic potions, pointing out that mixing weapons and magic brings bad luck.

Having chosen the magic items, the elves accompany the kids to the Flathead Mountains, saying that Malifestro's castle is on the land beyond. Max gave some waybread to hungry Bivotar, and Fred claimed he knows shortcuts. It was an hour after leaving when they heard a band of men, possibly a pack of thieves, approaching. As there was no place to hide, Max proposed to use an invisibility cloak, but Fred said it wasn't reliable, and suggested a powder of friendliness spell.

  • Using the cloak, Max ensures them that they can see each other, but the others can't. Fred however, who says is allergic to thieves, lest a loud elvish sneeze, making the thief leader to stop and search for the origin of the noise. Failing to see anything, they move along.

Fred casting a friendliness spell

  • Fred uses the friendliness powder when the thieves spot them, as they take some time arguing. The thieves notice they are some charming adventurers and cheerful elves, and invites them for a round of drinks at Elwood's Inn, but Juranda politely refuses.
Tree stump

Eventually they led the kids to a grove where Syovar used to bring the Castle's people there for feasting; Fred said that the tree stump is a source of magic power and attempted to use again the magic cakes that would transport them beyond the Mountains, explaining to Max that this time they will work, thanks to the stump; he told them to climb the stump and eat the cakes, which eventually they worked, but succeeded transporting them only 3-4 feet further.

Magic carpet

As it was getting darker, they looked for something to sleep on, and found a magic carpet. The elves told the kids to use it to continue their journey, and clambered on, elbowing each other for the best spot. As the corner sagged, Fred grabbed at Max and both fell to the ground. Without their weight, it lurched upward. They started running behind and below the flying kids as they rose higher, but they couldn't remember the magic word to land it.

As the kids flew away and had adventures beneath the Mountains, the elves tried to catch up. They tried to cast a secret spell to summon mountain nymphs. According to Max, Fred summoned a giant bat instead (which he denied) and brought them to its lair on a mountaintop. Fred tried to save themselves in a process that got them into snow avalanche, and had to fight some snow scorpions. In any case they passed to the other side before a forest of twisted trees and Malifestro's castle beyond, and waited for the kids to show up.

Asked about how they got there, they started accusing each other about who made which faults and who was more heroic, until their quarrel was interrupted by the kids. They said that the castle is within the scary wood and tried to persuade them that it was not too late to turn back and avoid the sinister forest, but Juranda pushed them to move on.

They reached the castle and they were scared when Bivotar joked to knock the door. Fred used some vision ability to sense some vines climbing on the wall (which however the others could see anyway) and the existence of a black sphere in a room; the vision stopped when Bivotar asked about Syovar. The kids decided to climb the vines and ended up in the room, which contained a black sphere, and Max felt life force from within; Fred suggested to put it on a pentagram inscribed on the floor, and a demon appeared. They shrieked and hid behind the kids, as the demon said that he loved the taste of elven meat. The demon said that Syovar had been killed

Asked for the Wizard Escape Potion to grant them a favor, Max warned Bivotar that it might be their only chance to get out alive. The kids ignored them and asked the demon to bring back Syovar. Indeed after a show of smoke and sparks Syovar appeared standing in front them. He embraced the kids and patted the elves's heads as they jumped up and down excited. He said that he knew Malifestro's plans and decided to challenge him in mortal combat; the elves warned him not to die twice the same week, and clapping his hands he transported them above the throne room.

There they witnessed Syovar's duel against Malifestro, until he managed to subdue and entrap him in an orb; the elves cheered in delight, and Syovar teleported themselves to the Castle. He retired leaving the elves to look after the kids.

The next day peoples gathered to the Castle to welcome back Syovar; he thanked them and introduced to them the two heroes. The kids in turn said they couldn't do anything without Fred and Max, the two bravest elves in the world; they unsuccessfully tried to look modest. The kids said goodbye to the elves as they had to return to their world, even though the elves wanted them to stay.

The Cavern of Doom[]

Jade figurine

Fred and Max were among those who explored the Mines of Zork. They were among the first who reached the Cavern of the Rainbow Mosses. Having discovered a precious-looking jade figurine, they fought over it; Grum saw them and thinking they were playing he approached to play with them, but once they spotted that hideous creature, they were turned into stone, and were among the dozens of statues of lost adventurers who were trapped in the cave.

Syovar later told to Biv and Juran that their friends were among those who disappeared, and it was the most important reason why they volunteered to explore it too. When they met Grum, they also saw their small stone figures, poised in the middle of an argument

Hugging elves

Bivotar and Juranda returned to the Castle of Zork. During the feast, Syovar performed a powerful spell in the banquet hall, restoring and transporting back the dozens of those lost. Fred and Max ran and hugged Bivotar and Juranda, explaining how they were lost, but disagreed over who found the figuring first. Syovar laughed and told them to calm down before they destroy the Castle; touching the figurine, he duplicated it, and Max admitted that Fred found it first but Max picked it up first.

Conquest at Quendor[]

Sometime later Syovar took a message from Biv and June that they were captive in some castle dungeons. It turned out it was a deserted castle used by Grawl. Syovar and the elves went to rescue them.

Captured elves

The elves pretended to walk carelessly in the enchanted woods without magic cloak and were captured by Grawl's minions. Prodded with spear, they were put in the dungeon. The kids recognised their voices and the elves rushed over in a wild frenzy of hugs. They explained it was the castle of Grawl, seeking revenge; whispering they said they were captured on purpose to guide their rescue. Suddenly a wall of the dungeon exploded revealing Syovar locked in combat with Grawl. Once the hole was clear, they cried to run through it. They witnessed how Syovar defeated Grawl for good, but also fell down seriously wounded.

They were transported back to the Castle, Syovar in his bed, in one of the turret rooms. Fed and Max ran down the winding stairs of the turret to fetch a healer.
