Grayslopes is a famous ski resort in the Gray Mountains province, the largest in the GUE and loved by snow sports enthusiasts worldwide. t is situated at the eastern branch of the Great Underground Highway.
It features downhill skiing and 60 bloits of cross-country sking.
A lift ticket costs Zm3 for a day. Their 8 ski lifts service 22 varied trails, which are classified into 3 levesl of difficulty.
Furthermore there are 4 tobogganing slopes, full and half-size furbish courts and 3 ice skating rinks.
They employ a Frobozz Magic Snow Maker to ensure the finest powder even when the temperature goes above 57 degrees Q. Their unique Frotzed Snow™ with glowing trails allows evening skiing. They employ first aid medics equipped with the latest bone-setting spells.
It includes a ski lodge called Frost Bite with a restaurant, inexpensive snack bar and fireside pub, as well as a ski shop with suvenirs and a full line of ski accessories, such as the new Frobozz Magic Ski Wax. The owners of the Grayslopes obviously are connected to the Ski Pole, since it provides discount coupons for tickets, and their brochures recommend that fleabag.
Grayslopes had to close its slopes after several professional skiers were devoured by trolls, while even the local sherpas refuse to venture into the mountains these days.