Leblong is a Dragon, and twin brother of Berlong, with whom he has a feud. He is 30 ft tall.
The great warlock Grawl wanted to bargain with the dragon; he promised to dispose Berlong, and Leblong promised to guard a tunnel of the Cavern of Doom from trespassers for the next thousand years.
He lives in cavern strewn with rocks and boulders, and the are around it were scarred and blackened as if by some tremendous heat.
Bivotar and Juranda entered his room, and saw him sitting in the center, with smoke curling form his nostrils. Berlong gave a deep-throated roar, and moved to block the tunnel on the far side of the cavern. The kids cast a spell for talking to animals, and he ordered them to go away. Bivotar shouted that they mean no ham, and only wish to traverse the cave. Leblong gave a bellowing laugh, which shook the walls and covers everything with ash and smoke, and said that it was his job appointed by Grawl to guard the tunnel leading to the Cavern of the Rainbow Mosses and exiled Grum.
Asked by Juranda, he said that only seeing that Grawl failed to honor his promise to kill Berlong, then he also would not follow their bargain. Juranda then lied that Grawl did break his promise, as they saw Berlong alive earlier; Bivotar continued saying that he looked exactly like him, and that he was waiting for him; Leblong was skeptical and the kids offered to lead him to Berlong. After some time he agreed, if they stay within his sight.

He followed the kids along the passage, who led him to a cavern with a mirror of ice; he was sure that he saw his treacherous twin, as he had never seen ice or a mirror before. In challenge he reared back on his hindlegs and bellowed some fire. Seeing the same from his reflection, they "exchanged" gouts of fire, which washed across the ice, melting it. Seeing his enemy unharmed he redoubled his efforts, until torrents of melt water poured off, swirling about the room and swept the kids off.
After that "battle" Leblong was exhausted and sleeping, having completely eradicated the ancient glacier.
Since many explorers and knights already reached the Cavern of Rainbow Mosses and met Grum (and became statues) means that Leblong wasn't there. It is possible that Grawl employed Leblong quite recently, after seeing the crowds of people entering the Cavern.