Malifestro is an evil wizard from beyond the Flathead Mountains, far from the Land of Frobozz, where the magic is stronger. According to Fred and Max, he eats elves for breakfast. He appears as a tall and thin figure. He is old but his eyes burn with the vigor of youth. He has the power to teleport and has a sweet-smelling powder that transforms people into statues.
3 centuries "ago", he enslaved a First Class demon in a black crystal sphere to serve him. Malifestro was so cruel that even the demon feared him.
In the years of the Great Underground Empire he caused Dimwit Flathead to exile Vengrallior, a powerful sorcerer. Vengrallior was his mortal enemy and ever since sought his destruction.
Centuries later he emerged again after the loss of Krill. Using a powerful spell he captured Syovar and demanded an extraordinary ransom of the half Kingdom of Zork, a wealth of gold and jewels and 10,000 slaves to set him free.
Ellron with 2,000 of the Knights of Frobozz, started to rescue him but nobody returned. Fear and despair spread across Frobozz, all order vanished letting thieves roam highways and towns, burning them. The Castle of Zork was the most vulnerable and everyone fled it.
He had sensed the arrival of two visitors from afar, a land and half away, and started looking for them. In the meantime he executed Syovar. In his vanity and boastness, he told Syovar all his plans to enslave the Kingdom of Zork, revealing his strengths and waknesses, knowing that he wouldn't use that knowledge.
But the kids heard his call; they managed to arrive to the Malifestro's castle and had the imprisoned demon to bring him back to life.
Syovar then challenged Malifestro in a magic duel in the throne room. Malifestro asked how many times he should kill him, and Syovar replied that it was his turn, transmrming himself into a mountain lion, lunging at the Wizard. Malifestro becomes a wall of fire, making Syovar to leap back, and as a response, transform as a wave of water. Malifestro became a howling freezing air, pushing back the water, slowly freezing it. Then the iced surface flowed outwards around the wind, curling to form an ice sphere. Shrinking and shrinking it imprisoned the whirlwind, and Syovar appeared holding the crystal sphere.