0 [ ]
41 [ ]
Mysterion the Brave ascends the throne of Quendor.[1]
55 [ ]
398 [ ]
399 [ ]
Gustav Peggleboz is born.[2]
423 [ ]
Bozbo I ascends the throne of Quendor.[1]
429 [ ]
474 [ ]
451 [ ]
456 [ ]
Gustav Peggleboz dies.[2]
477 [ ]
Bozbo II ascends the throne of Quendor.[1]
481 [ ]
545 [ ]
Mumbo I ascends the throne of Quendor.[1]
569 [ ]
Bozbo III ascends the throne of Quendor.[1]
575 [ ]
619 [ ]
Mumbo II ascends the throne of Quendor.[1] The bloit undergoes one of its dramatic conversions, as his favorite pet was a very ancient turtle .[2]
628 [ ]
657 [ ]
Palace guards sign a petition asking for an increase in the mosquito netting allotment. The document bears a signature by the general of the Royal Militia that looks suspiciously like "Duncanthrax."[1]
659 [ ]
660 [ ]
662 [ ]
By this year, Duncanthrax's aggressive policy expanded Quendor to the Kovalli Desert .[1]
665 [ ]
Duncanthrax vanquishes the Antharian Armada at the Fort Griffspotter .[1]
667 [ ]
Duncanthrax forms the Frobozz Magic Construction Company in order to expand his empire in the underground of the Eastlands . Frobozz Magic Dirt Disposal Company and Frobozz Magic Underground Sewer Installation Company soon follow.[3]
FrobozzCo heardquarters are built.[4]
668 [ ]
672 [ ]
688 [ ]
691 [ ]
699 [ ]
701 [ ]
723 [ ]
725 [ ]
726 [ ]
727 [ ]
Timberthrax Flathead ascends the throne of Quendor.[1]
728 [ ]
730 [ ]
731 [ ]
732 [ ]
735 [ ]
737 [ ]
738 [ ]
J. Pierpont opens a lemonade stand in Egreth Village .[3]
Phloid Flathead ascends the throne of Quendor.[1]
739 [ ]
The FPO perform their first sympony by J.S. Flathead.[3]
741 [ ]
743 [ ]
747 [ ]
John D. founds Flathead Industries .[3]
748 [ ]
749 [ ]
J. Pierpont becomes clerk at the Bank of Zork and then Chairman of the Board.[3]
751 [ ]
755 [ ]
757 [ ]
758 [ ]
Mumberthrax commissions Frank Lloyd to design a new wing for Castle Egreth .[3]
F.M. Spell Co. is founded/bought.[3]
760 [ ]
The new wing of Castle Egreth collapses killing 4000 royal guests. The stonemason is summarily executed.[3]
FI has an annual income of 80000000 zorkmids .[3]
761 [ ]
Jelly 3: Mumberthrax proclaims Double Fanucci as National Sport of Quendor . (according to the Flathead Calendar page for Jelly)
766 [ ]
769 [ ]
Augur 7: Gnusto spell is invented.[3]
770 [ ]
Mumberthrax feels the icy hand of death.[3]
His son Dimwit ascends throne.[1]
771 [ ]
John Paul is the ranking admiral.[3]
Dimwit appoints Johann Sebastian official court composer.[3]
Jam 14: Dimwit moves the capital from Egreth to Flatheadia .[3] [2]
773 [ ]
Every ship in the navy has been sunk or lost at sea. John Paul retires shortly after.[3]
Estuary 18: Endless Fire begins.[3]
Mareilon is destroyed in the Fire.[2]
774 [ ]
Dimwit locks Lucrezia in a dungeon for her own safety.[3]
777 [ ]
778 [ ]
FrobozzCo forms or takes over more than 18000 additional subsidiaries. Gross income increased by 22%.[4]
Magic Cave Co, digs 46000 bloits of tunnel, GUH is extended by 200 bloits. Cavern space is added 8000 bloits3 .[4]
F.M. Spell Co. sales increase 11%. Four new spells (DRILBO , BORCH , GIZGUM and QULBO ) are produced.
Sales of grue repellent triple. Grue-related deaths drop by 31%. Grue population also drops by 31%
779 [ ]
781 [ ]
782 [ ]
783 [ ]
789 [ ]
A small rutabaga farm in Mithicus is sold out to FrobozzCo.[3]
Megaboz curses the Twelve Flatheads . They all die.[3]
John Dee is lost in the Gray Mountains with his entourage.[3]
Battle of Ragweed Gulch . Stonewall is shot by one of his own men.[3]
Johann Sebastian gives a rehearsal of his Minuet for Violin and Volcano when he is killed during a mishap.[3]
J. Pierpont is lost in his vaults.[3]
Thomas Alva dies from a severe case of splinters.[3]
Leonardo works on a large statue for the harbor of Antharia when he suffers a fatal plunge into a vat of molten granola .[3]
Lucrezia commits suicide in her cell.[3]
Ralph Waldo dies of an overdose of avocados.[3]
The great white jellyfish kills John Paul during his vacation in Grubbo-by-the-Sea .[3]
Frank Lloyd succumbs to cancer.[3]
Shark-wrestling semi-finals in Flathead Stadium. Babe is killed.[3]
Loowit Flathead ascends the throne of the Great Underground Empire .[1]
804 [ ]
Frobozz Magic Biography Publishing Company publishes The Lives of the Twelve Flatheads .[3]
813 [ ]
Duncwit Flathead ascends the throne of GUE.[1]
817 [ ]
The month Fidooshiary is purchased by the Frobozz Magic Month Company and renamed FrobuaryTR .[3]
841 [ ]
843 [ ]
845 [ ]
865 [ ]
872 [ ]
Spring: Magic O'Leary with his stunning mastery of clairboyance spells, wins the G.U.E. Tech Spelling Bee .[5]
873 [ ]
"A Traveller's Guide to the Great Underground Empire " is published.[5]
880 [ ]
881 [ ]
883 [ ]
896 [ ]
The Great Underground Empire: A History is published.
927 [ ]
Time Travel Spell will be invented.[3]
947 [ ]
9/33: John D. Flathead IX announces a two-for-one stock split to FrobozzCo shareholders.[4]
948 [ ]
2/1: Shareholders' meeting at Borphee Civic Center . John D. Flathead X will be appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors.[4]
Game Chronology [ ]